Personnel directly involved in Unit Load Device (ULD) operations are required to train regularly on functions relevant to their job tasks and responsibilities. ULDs are essential for loading freight transported by air. Although ULDs are required to ensure the safe and reliable restraint of cargo during a flight, the standards for using them vary widely across the industry. The ULD Regulations (ULDR) provides a simple point of reference for common technical and operational standards, regulatory requirements, and carrier requirements applicable to overall ULD operations.

Duration : 6 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

Module 1: Introduction to ULD Operations
o Overview of ULDs and their importance in air cargo logistics
o Types of ULDs and their specifications
o Regulations and safety standards related to ULD handling

Module 2: Practical ULD Handling and Operations
o Preparing ULDs for loading and unloading
o Techniques for safe handling and securing ULDs
o Loading and unloading procedures for different aircraft types
o Inspection and maintenance of ULDs
o Emergency procedures and troubleshooting

Additional Topics (Optional):
o ULD repair and maintenance basics
o Advanced ULD configurations and specialty ULDs

Delivery Format:
o Instructor-led presentations
o Hands-on practical sessions with ULDs
o Case studies and real-world scenarios

o Practical assessments on ULD handling techniques
o Written test on ULD regulations and procedures

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