Pharmaceutical products are lucrative and fast-growing cargo commodities for businesses across the value chain. Are you qualified to claim your share? The pharmaceutical industry spends billions each year to ensure the reliable and compliant transport of its products, and its expectations for your cargo business are high. This diploma will prepare you with the regulatory and operational foundations you need to start handling temperature-controlled shipments and show you how to build specialized pharmaceutical services into your daily operations.

Duration : 2 Days (16 Hours)

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

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Day 1

1. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Handling (1 hour)
o Overview of the pharmaceutical supply chain
o Importance of proper handling and storage
o Regulatory requirements and industry standards

2. Good Distribution Practices (GDP) (2 hours)
o Principles of GDP
o Key elements and guidelines
o Compliance and audit requirements

3. Temperature Control Management (2 hours)
o Importance of temperature control
o Types of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals
o Equipment and technologies for temperature control

4. Packaging and Labeling (2 hours)
o Types of packaging for pharmaceuticals
o Labeling requirements and best practices
o Tamper-evident packaging

5. Risk Management in Pharmaceutical Handling (1 hour)
o Identifying and assessing risks
o Mitigation strategies
o Incident reporting and management

Day 2

6. Storage Requirements and Best Practices (2 hours)
o Storage conditions for different types of pharmaceuticals
o Inventory management
o Handling and organizing storage facilities

7. Transportation and Logistics (2 hours)
o Modes of transportation for pharmaceuticals
o Ensuring quality and integrity during transit
o Documentation and tracking

8. Quality Assurance and Control (2 hours)
o Quality management systems
o Monitoring and maintaining quality standards
o Handling deviations and non-conformities

9. Handling and Disposal of Pharmaceutical Waste (1 hour)
o Types of pharmaceutical waste
o Safe handling and disposal methods
o Regulatory requirements

10. Case Studies and Practical Exercises (2 hours)
o Real-world scenarios and solutions
o Group discussions and problem-solving exercises
o Practical handling demonstrations

11. Assessment and Certification (1 hour)
o Knowledge assessment (quiz/test)
o Course review and Q&A
o Issuing of certificates

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