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Inspire’s eLearning Hub

Inviting Universities and Colleges to take the advantage of owning more than 200 eLearning courses to boost the morale of their students by helping them take their career to the next level

Why Choose iLearn?

  • > Accessible on all INTERNET connected devices
  • > Zero % Technical issues with no stoppage
  • > Tangible skill building
  • > Freedom to develop your own band with
  • > International Award Winning brand
  • > 2020’s Fastest selling university & college study tool
  • > Potential business opportunity with higher returns
  • > Venture out with INSPIRE towards a promising future in just 5 Lac INR

Key Features & Benefits of iLearn

  • > Seamless website integration
  • > E-learning Course Authoring and Publishing
  • > Deliver live webinars
  • > Manage face-to-face classroom training
  • > Support blended learning
  • > Customizable course completion certificates and badges
  • > Online registration and payments
  • > Coupons and reward points
  • > Promote and generate leads
  • > Track your sales
  • > Business intelligence and reporting
  • > Go mobile
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